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Van Gogh cross stitch pattern Still Life with Meadow Flowers and Roses

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Great paintings inspire us to create something special. Our way is to cross stitch some small round versions of great masterpieces.

Here is the Still Life with Meadow Flowers and Roses by Vincent Van Gogh.

Size: 140w X 140h Stitches

For 14 canvas count: 31.8 x 31.8 cm (12.5'' x 12.5'')

For 16 canvas count: 27.8 x 27.8 cm (10.9'' x 10.9'')
For 18 canvas count: 24.7 x 24.7 cm (9.7'' x 9.7'')


Liczba kolorów:
Rodzaje ściegów:
  • ścieg krzyżowy
  • pół ściegu

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